Precalculus Exploration 6 Exercises: General Sinusoids Reference Function Shifted by [h,k]

In each exercise 1-8 below you are given two plots and each plot contains two graphs, a red reference function f(x) , and a blue shifted function g(x) .

Plot 1. On the first plot of each exercise, your red reference function f(x) is an unshifted sine function, your blue function g(x) is a shifted sine function (obtained from the red function), and you are to write down the correct expression (formula) for each one.

Plot 2. On the first plot of each exercise, your red reference function f(x) is an unshifted  cosine function, your blue function g(x) is a shifted cosine function (obtained from the red function), and you are to write down the correct expression (formula) for each one.

Exercise 1. Sine Model  

[Maple Plot]

`Amplitude:   a` = 2, ` Period:   p` = 4, `  b` = 1/2*Pi, ` Shift right (left):   h` = -1, ` Shift up (down):   k` = 2

`Reference function:  f`(x) = 2*sin(1/2*Pi*x), ` Shifted function:  f`(x+1)+2 = 2*sin(1/2*Pi*(x+1))+2

Exercise 1. Cosine Model

[Maple Plot]

`Amplitude:   a` = 2, ` Period:   p` = 4, `  b` = 1/2*Pi, ` Shift right (left):   h` = 0, ` Shift up (down):   k` = 2

`Reference function:  f`(x) = 2*cos(1/2*Pi*x), ` Shifted function:  f`(x)+2 = 2*cos(1/2*Pi*x)+2

Exercise 2. Sine Model  

[Maple Plot]

`Amplitude:   a` = 1, ` Period:   p` = 8, `  b` = 1/4*Pi, ` Shift right (left):   h` = 0, ` Shift up (down):   k` = 3

`Reference function:  f`(x) = sin(1/4*Pi*x), ` Shifted function:  f`(x)+3 = sin(1/4*Pi*x)+3

Exercise 2. Cosine Model

[Maple Plot]

`Amplitude:   a` = 1, ` Period:   p` = 8, `  b` = 1/4*Pi, ` Shift right (left):   h` = 2, ` Shift up (down):   k` = 3

`Reference function:  f`(x) = cos(1/4*Pi*x), ` Shifted function:  f`(x-2)+3 = cos(1/4*Pi*(x-2))+3

Exercise 3. Sine Model  

[Maple Plot]

`Amplitude:   a` = 1, ` Period:   p` = 6, `  b` = 1/3*Pi, ` Shift right (left):   h` = -1/2, ` Shift up (down):   k` = 2

`Reference function:  f`(x) = sin(1/3*Pi*x), ` Shifted function:  f`(x+1/2)+2 = sin(1/3*Pi*(x+1/2))+2

Exercise 3. Cosine Model

[Maple Plot]

`Amplitude:   a` = 1, ` Period:   p` = 6, `  b` = 1/3*Pi, ` Shift right (left):   h` = 1, ` Shift up (down):   k` = 2

`Reference function:  f`(x) = cos(1/3*Pi*x), ` Shifted function:  f`(x-1)+2 = cos(1/3*Pi*(x-1))+2

  Exercise 4. Sine Model

[Maple Plot]

`Amplitude:   a` = 3/2, ` Period:   p` = 10, `  b` = 1/5*Pi, ` Shift right (left):   h` = -1/2, ` Shift up (down):   k` = 1/2

`Reference function:  f`(x) = 3/2*sin(1/5*Pi*x), ` Shifted function:  f`(x+1/2)+1/2 = 3/2*sin(1/5*Pi*(x+1/2))+1/2

Exercise 4. Cosine Model

[Maple Plot]

`Amplitude:   a` = 3/2, ` Period:   p` = 10, `  b` = 1/5*Pi, ` Shift right (left):   h` = 2, ` Shift up (down):   k` = 1/2

`Reference function:  f`(x) = 3/2*cos(1/5*Pi*x), ` Shifted function:  f`(x-2)+1/2 = 3/2*cos(1/5*Pi*(x-2))+1/2

  Exercise 5. Sine Model

[Maple Plot]

`Amplitude:   a` = 3, ` Period:   p` = Pi, `  b` = 2., ` Shift right (left):   h` = 1/6*Pi, ` Shift up (down):   k` = 0

`Reference function:  f`(x) = 3*sin(2.*x), ` Shifted function:  f`(x-1/6*Pi) = 3*sin(2.*x-.3333333333*Pi)

Exercise 5. Cosine Model

[Maple Plot]

`Amplitude:   a` = 3, ` Period:   p` = Pi, `  b` = 2., ` Shift right (left):   h` = 5/12*Pi, ` Shift up (down):   k` = 0

`Reference function:  f`(x) = 3*cos(2.*x), ` Shifted function:  f`(x-5/12*Pi) = 3*cos(2.*x-.8333333333*Pi)

  Exercise 6. Sine Model

[Maple Plot]

`Amplitude:   a` = 2, ` Period:   p` = 2*Pi, `  b` = 1., ` Shift right (left):   h` = -3/4*Pi, ` Shift up (down):   k` = 0

`Reference function:  f`(x) = 2*sin(1.*x), ` Shifted function:  f`(x+3/4*Pi) = 2*sin(1.*x+.7500000000*Pi)

Exercise 6. Cosine Model

[Maple Plot]

`Amplitude:   a` = 2, ` Period:   p` = 2*Pi, `  b` = 1., ` Shift right (left):   h` = -1/4*Pi, ` Shift up (down):   k` = 0

`Reference function:  f`(x) = 2*cos(1.*x), ` Shifted function:  f`(x+1/4*Pi) = 2*cos(1.*x+.2500000000*Pi)

  Exercise 7. Sine Model

[Maple Plot]

`Amplitude:   a` = 2, ` Period:   p` = 1/4*Pi, `  b` = 8., ` Shift right (left):   h` = 1/16*Pi, ` Shift up (down):   k` = 3

`Reference function:  f`(x) = 2*sin(8.*x), ` Shifted function:  f`(x-1/16*Pi)+3 = 2*sin(8.*x-.5000000000*Pi)+3

Exercise 7. Cosine Model

[Maple Plot]

`Amplitude:   a` = 2, ` Period:   p` = 1/4*Pi, `  b` = 8., ` Shift right (left):   h` = 1/8*Pi, ` Shift up (down):   k` = 3

`Reference function:  f`(x) = 2*cos(8.*x), ` Shifted function:  f`(x-1/8*Pi)+3 = 2*cos(8.*x-1.000000000*Pi)+3

Exercise 8. Sine Model

[Maple Plot]

`Amplitude:   a` = 5/2, ` Period:   p` = Pi, `  b` = 2., ` Shift right (left):   h` = 1/4*Pi, ` Shift up (down):   k` = 3/2

`Reference function:  f`(x) = 5/2*sin(2.*x), ` Shifted function:  f`(x-1/4*Pi)+3/2 = 5/2*sin(2.*x-.5000000000*Pi)+3/2

Exercise 8. Cosine Model

[Maple Plot]

`Amplitude:   a` = 5/2, ` Period:   p` = Pi, `  b` = 2., ` Shift right (left):   h` = 1/2*Pi, ` Shift up (down):   k` = 3/2

`Reference function:  f`(x) = 5/2*cos(2.*x), ` Shifted function:  f`(x-1/2*Pi)+3/2 = 5/2*cos(2.*x-1.000000000*Pi)+3/2

In each exercise 9-16 below you are given only one plot and each plot contains two graphs, a red reference function f(x) , and a blue shifted function g(x) . In each of these exercises you need find the functions for only one model, sine or cosine, and the one you should use is indicated in each exercise.

  Exercise 9. Sine Model

[Maple Plot]

`Amplitude:   a` = 5, ` Period:   p` = Pi, `  b` = 2, ` Shift right (left):   h` = 0, ` Shift up (down):   k` = 3

`Reference function:  f`(x) = 5*sin(2*x), ` Shifted function:  f`(x)+3 = 5*sin(2*x)+3

  Exercise 10. Cosine Model

[Maple Plot]

`Amplitude:   a` = 2, ` Period:   p` = 4*Pi, `  b` = 1/2, ` Shift right (left):   h` = 0, ` Shift up (down):   k` = -2

`Reference function:  f`(x) = 2*cos(1/2*x), ` Shifted function:  f`(x)-2 = 2*cos(1/2*x)-2

  Exercise 11. Sine Model

[Maple Plot]

`Amplitude:   a` = 3, ` Period:   p` = 2*Pi, `  b` = 1., ` Shift right (left):   h` = 1/6*Pi, ` Shift up (down):   k` = 0

`Reference function:  f`(x) = -3*sin(1.*x), ` Shifted function:  f`(x-1/6*Pi) = -3*sin(1.*x-.1666666667*Pi)

  Exercise 12. Cosine Model

[Maple Plot]

`Amplitude:   a` = 4, ` Period:   p` = Pi, `  b` = 2, ` Shift right (left):   h` = Pi, ` Shift up (down):   k` = 4

`Reference function:  f`(x) = -4*cos(2*x), ` Shifted function:  f`(x-Pi)+4 = -4*cos(2*x)+4

  Exercise 13. Cosine Model

[Maple Plot]

`Amplitude:   a` = 2, ` Period:   p` = 4, `  b` = 1/2*Pi, ` Shift right (left):   h` = 1, ` Shift up (down):   k` = 3

`Reference function:  f`(x) = 2*cos(1/2*Pi*x), ` Shifted function:  f`(x-1)+3 = 2*cos(1/2*Pi*(x-1))+3

  Exercise 14. Sine Model

[Maple Plot]

`Amplitude:   a` = 6, ` Period:   p` = 8, `  b` = 1/4*Pi, ` Shift right (left):   h` = -2, ` Shift up (down):   k` = -3

`Reference function:  f`(x) = 6*sin(1/4*Pi*x), ` Shifted function:  f`(x+2)-3 = 6*sin(1/4*Pi*(x+2))-3

  Exercise 15. Cosine Model

[Maple Plot]

`Amplitude:   a` = 28, ` Period:   p` = 12.4, `  b` = .5068, ` Shift right (left):   h` = 0, ` Shift up (down):   k` = 30

`Reference function:  f`(t) = 28*cos(.5068*t), ` Shifted function:  f`(t)+30 = 28*cos(.5068*t)+30

  Exercise 16. Cosine Model

[Maple Plot]

`Amplitude:   a` = 1.100, ` Period:   p` = 12.8, `  b` = .4908, ` Shift right (left):   h` = 3., ` Shift up (down):   k` = 2.900

`Reference function:  f`(t) = 1.100*cos(.4908*t), ` Shifted function:  f`(t-3)+2.900 = 1.100*cos(.4908*t-1.472)+2.900